A group of women are posing for a photo around a baptismal font inside a beautifully decorated church.
A group of people is attentively listening to a tour guide in an outdoor setting with trees in the background.
A group of people are standing outdoors in a semi-circle, engaging in what appears to be a guided tour or an outdoor discussion, with some participants noticeably attentive to the person speaking.

Calhoun Square near Savannah GA

164 E Gordon St Savannah, GA 31401
The following tours go by Calhoun Square near Savannah GA:
Savannah’s Finest History Tour: A Walk Through Time Photo
7/23/2024 - 6/30/2025
Take a walk back in time with some of Savannah's most highly regarded tour guides.
Emerging like a green jewel in the urban heart of Savannah, Georgia is Calhoun Square.

The city's historic district plays host to this unique park, an enticing combination of Southern charm, rich history, and lush greenery. Calhoun Square has long been a popular destination for both locals and visitors, prominent for its time capsuled remnants of the city’s past. Spanning an acre of land on Abercorn Street, wrapped by majestic live oak trees draped in Spanish moss, the Square's tranquil beauty creates a striking contrast against Savannah's bustling ambiance and makes it a must-visit for history buffs and nature lovers alike.

Established in 1851 and named after John C. Calhoun, a prominent South Carolina statesman, Calhoun Square holds significant historical charm. It stands apart as the only square in Savannah where original buildings dating back to the 19th century are present on all four borders, offering an unique glimpse into architectural traditions of the era. Creating a picturesque view, the Square carries a somber portion of history as well, with archaeologists suggesting that it may have served as a burial ground for slaves, adding to its deep historical relevance.

A walk around Calhoun Square unveils many highlights, the most notable amongst them being the Massie Heritage Center, located on the Southwest corner of the square. Once Georgia's oldest chartered public school, this historic institution now operates as a museum educating visitors on the city’s history, architecture, and heritage. To the east of the square, the magnificent Wesley Monumental Church can be explored - a testament to the city's rich religious history.

Also surrounding the square are stunning examples of antebellum architecture in the form of Victorian era houses. The jewel in the crown is undoubtedly the grand 1852 Norris House, visited not just for its striking Gothic-Italianate-style architecture, but also for being Savannah’s first-ever house purchased by an African American woman post the Civil War. This historic building captures the imagination while revealing a slice of American history.

Calhoun Square invites visitors to lose themselves in its exquisite surroundings. From the sweet whisperings of the wind through the Spanish moss adorned live oaks, the historic charm of 19th century buildings, to the iconic heritage sites providing an enriched understanding of Savannah’s past, there is something for everyone. Whether you're an eager historian, an architecture enthusiast, or simply someone seeking a peaceful retreat, the Square offers an enchanting snapshot of Southern life at its finest. An exploration of Calhoun Square is not merely a pastime, but a journey through time—a living narrative of Savannah's extraordinary past and its timeless charm.

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