
Reading Public Museum near Lancaster, PA

500 Museum Rd, Reading, , PA 19611

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Reading Public Museum near Lancaster, PA is an attraction for tourists as well as the locals.

Reading Public Museum was founded in 1904 with the purpose to provide a cultural center for sciences and fine arts.

The museum and arboretum are both an important part of the public and local school curriculum. Schools bring their students to the museum in order to introduce them to the world of art and culture.

The museum's building was made available to the public in 1928 when John Nolan, a landscape architect, began his program of building a park to surround the museum. With many donated specimens from Harvard Arnold Arboretum, the park was created and made to look like a showplace of botanical beauty.

The collections in the Reading Public Museum consist of art, civilizations, arboretum and science. One of the very popular exhibits they have is Sea Turtles: Older than Dinosaurs, an exhibit of photographs by Anne Heimann.

There are many different galleries on different floors at the museum, including Asia, American, Cove Gallery, Museum History and Science, to name just a few. They also invite you to visit their museum store where you'll find many unique gifts, jewelry, museum items and collectibles.

The Reading Public Museum has opportunities for individuals interested in volunteering as well as programs for the school district as well as programs for families to participate in at home.

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