North Museum of Natural History & Science in Lancaster, PA
In fact, there are a great number of people that visit the museum that is not from the Lancaster area.
As expected, the North Museum of Natural History & Science is a museum that is supposed to teach everyone, especially young children, the true history of science and everything with it. However, as history goes, you can not learn everything of the past without being there; although they do the best they can.
The museum generates not only excitement but also curiosity about science, history and also technology. In fact, the museum features many extensive collections and exhibits that are hands-on, teaching about the environment. You will also be able to learn and explore more about outer space, the Native Americans, rocks and minerals, dinosaurs, history and science in general, as well as going into many rooms that are on a particular discovery.
You will also be able to work with machines that show you how tidal waves and tornado are made! There are also many 'special' exhibits that are being shown throughout the year, as well.
Besides exhibits of all kinds and special rooms to explore, there are also people that give lecture programs, showing of live animals and have special events.
Whether you are going to the museum for yourself or with your child, it is most definitely a trip that is worth going to; especially if you will end up learning something new. It is always a good thing to learn about the past.
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