
Kayakitiyat in New Orleans, LA

3494 Esplanade Ave. New Orleans, LA 70119
Kayakitiyat in New Orleans, LA is has a variety of different kayak tours on the historic Bayou St.


John. They offers four tours for travelers: The Big Easy Bayou Tour, Pontchartrain Paddle, Bayou Bienvenue Tour, and Cruises and Kayaks. Each tour requires a different level of kayaking experience. On the tours you will observe wildlife and scenic neighborhoods along the bayou.

When a tour is booked they provide a kayak, paddle, and life jacket, They give information on how to dress for safety and weather conditions. The Big Easy Kayak Tour is designed for first timers. You will paddle leisurely through several neighborhoods and even see some wildlife. In the warmer weather, this cruise goes out in the twilight hours. It lasts about two hours.

The Pontchartrain Paddle is a four-hour kayaking trip and is for active travelers. You will paddled the entire length of Bayou St John and back. Experience is not necessary. During the tour you will enjoy bird watching and seeing the many different communities. The tour stops for awhile and for a walk to Lake Pontchartrain and in the warmer weather you can even swim.

The Bayou Bienvenue Tour offers a chance to see some of the flora and wildlife on the bayou. It takes three hours and you will paddle by alligators, birds, and through the salt marsh. This is for intermediate or experienced kayakers and those that are physically fit. Be prepared for the unexpected on this tour. Kayakitiyat is featuring a new tour called Cruisers and Kayaks that combines riding a bike and later paddling a kayak on the bayou. Find the best New Orleans vacation spots where you can enjoy various activities while on vacation.

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