Main Street is located in Franklin, TN. Franklin is located about 22 mile, directly South of Nashville off I-65. Then take Route #96 West, for about three miles, and you can't miss it.
Main Street in Franklin, Tennessee, is a sight to behold. It is a beautiful tree lined road, with many historical old store fronts. There are also beautiful churches to admire as well. It's like taking a trip back in time, to the good old days when everyone knew everyon's else name in town. You can still get that vibe while walking up and down Main street here. Many of the store owners, know all the locals by name, and would love to be your friend too.
Since 1984, the Downtown Franklin Association, has prided itself in bringing this formerl;y run down area, back to its former glory. There is a farmers market, held every Saturday, so you can get fresh, local grown veggies, and dairy products. everything is all natural, and locally made, at this market.
This 16 block district has reclaimed its history, and now boasts retail, art galleries, antiques, and many food establishment, for all to enjoy. Walk around, explore, and enjoy all the history that surrounds you. head to the center of all the action, located at the square. They have festivals all year round for residents, and tourists as well. There is a pumpkin fest, Dickens festival, and the Main Street festival, which brings people from all over. So if you are feeling like, you need a trip back to the Mayberry days, this is your place. Enjoy this beautiful ittle town, just south of Nashville!
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