
La Fonda on Main in San Antonio, TX

2415 N Main Ave San Antonio, TX 78212
It is no doubt that Mexican food lovers, particularly in San Antonio, are familiar with La Fonda on Main.

It is known as the oldest Mexican food restaurant in the region. The popular dining restaurant is a few minutes' drive from Monte Vista.


The restaurant is famous for its Tex-Mex cuisine as well as the Interior Mexican dish. Many people who have visited the restaurant have been left amazed by both the hospitality and the food. As a result, the restaurant has received more positive reviews and ratings from food enthusiasts and customers. The location of the restaurant makes it is ideal for both social and romantic dining. The setting and decoration is a blend of both the Mexican taste and modern fashion.

La Fonda on Main is open daily and serves lunch and dinner. Their two private dining rooms are ideal for hosting a birthday party, dinner party, wedding rehearsals or any other social gatherings. The Casa Alicia can accommodate up to 80 sitting guests or 100 standing guests. The Front Room is the smallest of these private dining rooms and can handle up to 16 guests. It is perfect for a family meeting.

With a serene outdoor setting and a cool atmosphere, accompanied with the best service and delicious food, La Fonda on Main is a place that is highly recommended. Their meals are usually ranked among the best. The restaurant, which is set in a 1932 renovated house, creates and depicts a home environment. The location is easily accessible by road and is located in a friendly neighborhood.

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