This impressive 'castle' promises the kind of tour you hate to see the end of, and many have visited more than once. Vikingsholm is the perfect example of vividly beautiful scenery combined with man's skill in perfect harmony together.
Vikingsholm was one of the very first summer homes in the area. Built in the late 1920s by Mrs. Lora Josephine Knight, it is thought to be the best example of Scandinavian building techniques the United States has to show. Now owned by the state of California, this stunning home is not something you want to miss. If you get a chance to take the tour, don't pass it up.
Bought in the early 1950s by lumberman Harvey West, Vikingsholm was sold again in 1953 when the state of California acquired it. It doesn't really matter who owns this 'castle,' what counts is the unchanging magic of it all. No description can really do Vikingsholm true justice; to believe the majesty, you have to see it for yourself.
If you appreciate the beauty of nature combined with unique architecture, this is one tour you will never forget. Walking through the rooms of Vikingsholm and imagining life in them nearly 100 years ago is one of those 'not to be missed' experiences of a lifetime. Bring a camera when you visit because this is certainly a visit worthy of many pictures.