Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, and Smoky Mountain Weather Information
Average Temperature Pigeon Forge TN & Other Weather Info
Gatlinburg has a moderate climate that you will enjoy all year-round and Gatlinburg TN weather averages are mild. With a yearly average temperature of 56 degrees, you'll rarely be too hot or too cold. You can expect daily morning humidity of around 80 - 90 percent, but this drops to 50 - 60 percent in the afternoons.
Fall in the Smoky Mountains
- Fall is a delightful time of year in Gatlinburg and is the perfect time to do any of the activities available in the area. Brilliant fall leaves in shades of red, orange and yellow change the palette of the usually green landscape and color the mountainsides. Average high temperatures can be as high as the 80s in September or the 60s in November.
- These are the lowest months for precipitation, too, so you are least likely to need rain gear during this time. Do pack a jacket or sweater for evening outings though; it can get surprisingly chilly overnight, especially in higher elevations. Snuggling in front of the fireplace is a good place to be in the evenings anyway. You'll detect the piney smell of other fireplaces going if you do happen to step outside.
Winter in the Smoky Mountains
- Winterfest starts in November and continues through February. It's a magical time to visit and see the city draped in millions of lights. In winter, there are plenty of sunny but cool days with the average winter temperature in the 30s and highs into the 40s. Most of the yearly snowfall takes place in January and February with 3-4 inches per month. Make sure to bring a winter jacket and boots so you're ready for bobsledding, ice skating and skiing.
Spring in the Smoky Mountains
- March, April and May show a definite warming trend with high temperatures starting in the 50s and getting up to the 70s by May. You'll still be able to catch a glimpse of snow dusting the top peaks of the mountains. Weather can be variable so pack for cool and warm days. It can rain too, with an average of 4-6 inches per month, so be prepared for showers. It's perfect weather for hiking, rafting, fishing, shopping and golfing -- just about anything outdoors!
Summer in the Smoky Mountains
- In the summer, expect long, warm days full of sunshine. Pigeon Forge average temperatures are in the 60s and 70s with highs barely into the 80s. You can look for a beautiful Smoky Mountain haze lacing the mountainsides. The 5-6 inches of rain per month usually falls in the afternoon. You can enjoy hiking, rafting, horseback riding, shopping, visiting Dollywood - anything outdoors. Be sure to pack warm weather wear, but don't forget to bring a windbreaker for cooler nights and afternoon showers.
Gatlinburg has something for everyone to do in terms of things to do and Goldilocks temperatures -- never too hot or too cold. Just remember that it can cool down overnight in the higher elevations, no matter what time of year it is. Be sure to choose the best hotel in the area for your vacation.