
East Hickman High School near Nashville, TN

7700 Tennessee 7 Lyles, TN 37098
Located in Lyles, East Hickman High School has over 500 students.

The school is in Centerville Tennessee and is well renowned for excellent academic performance, statistic wise students here have shown great results after enrollment. This high school like any other has stood for many decades and owned by the state of Tennessee.

Interestingly, the school has proved proficiency in mathematics; this is through results from the students where the analysis has shown up to 40% proficiency in the field. Such figures have been observed on other subjects as well with reading prowess hitting nearly 70%. Statistics never lie; the graduation rate for the school has been stabilized at 94% making the parents more reassured of their child graduating. On performances, the school ranks high on the top schools in Tennessee.

Being a public school students from all corners are welcome, the school has managed to come up strong in the academic race. The school has advanced recruitment tests where everyone willing to join must pass the standard test. Most of the public school fail to have a good number of their students join college a challenge that this school has managed to overcome over the years.

For most parents, safety of their kids is paramount, at East Hickman, children's safety is a guarantee from the state provided security as well as school. Discipline has been enhanced by the set of rules governing the student and the just punishment to the student. The location of the school is easier to access, the learning environment for the student is enhanced by the facilities that are in abundance that has made the school the best place for any child.

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